Monday, March 15, 2010

old books and old bacon

Oh the thrill of researching... and discovering that some of the sources you are peeking @ in the library catalog are from the 1600's. No freakin way.

I found sooo many books thru inter-library loan. God bless Catholic University & their plethora of religious non-fiction. This will make my life easier & reduce my hours camping out w/ text at the Library of Congress. It's time to get my ars in gear and zoom over to that lovely building, though, to request a looksie-loo at the sources that have still managed to elude me.

Sidenote: The blackboard in my room is covered with scribbles from a Shane Claibourne podcast that blew my mind AND related to "My Topic"! I need more blackboards now.

Also, I recommend the vegetarian Chinese Noodle Soup at Teaism. Splendid ginger-flavored broth. Just delightful. Trying to stay strong, but I need someone to eat my bacon ASAP. It's only so long I can wait before I cook it and eat the entire pound by myself. It's taunting me. Come over for brunch, friends. Eat the bacon. Oh no, it's calling...


  1. what podcast? does he have his own? give it up! I want in!

  2. its called shane claibourne podcast ... CCDA or something. so good. you should check out brian mclaren too - do you have thoughts on him?
