Tuesday, October 6, 2009

to get to the center of a tootsie pop

Strategies For Getting this Paper Writ:

1. Drink 1/2 a cup of coffee, whitened by those little flavored creamer cups
2. Eat 18 almonds for brainpower
3. Assemble all books and open all online journal docs
4. Pound a bag of Reeses Pieces
5. Write a paragraph
6. Promise yourself you can paint a picture if you finish this essay tonight
7. Move from the table to the couch and write another paragraph
8. Refer to the outline you wrote last week
9. Stretch and roll your neck
10. Write another paragraph. Then another. Another. Another. Again. Again.

And time to celebrate! God bless RefWorks, Sugar, and Acrylic Paints!

(Steps 8-10 are fictional and not based on actual events or persons.)

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