Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Different Natasha Kolar Apparently

Jiggle Factor:
The amount of jiggling one's ass creates when they move.

Depending on the way that this phrase is used, it can be a positive or negative phrase (examples below).

(Note: Phrase coined by Natasha Kolar, not me.)
1. Did you see the jiggle factor on that chick?

2. Most guys like a girl with a little bit of a jiggle factor.

3. Check out the jiggle factor on that dancer!

4. "She had a pretty face, but just a little too much jiggle factor going on!"

(Retrieved from Urban Dictionary @'s+butt)


  1. I assumed this entry was about me from the moment I began reading it. Then I told myself it was just paranoid narcisism. But the last two words confirmed it... "nicole's+butt." Why must you torment me?

  2. Well, seeing as how it was posted by a girl named Nicole Ross (Check the link) I think you are the WRONG Nicole. Hahaha! That's really funny, though! Sorry to disappoint you, ya bloddy narcissist!
