New Hypothesis: This crusade to introduce formal schooling in every corner of the earth, as the Education for All section of the Millennium Development Goals describes, it is eerily similar to the evangelical movement to bring Christ to every tongue tribe and nation.
Which is a bit disconcerting. Because I backed off from a career in Int'l Church Planting. I was nervous that I couldn't for sure say that Jesus was the Way. At the time. I'm more confident that he is, now. But I get nervous about movements claiming to be a panacea, and that is SO what proponents of Education for All are doing. And now I'm sorta signed up for a career in evangelizing the world with the message of Education.
Well, I guess I'm drawn toward salvation-claims. The idea that someone/something could fix the horrors of the world is enticing to me. I always end up getting skeptical at some point, though. I turned from church-planting to education because I figured if there is a God, he likes education too, and if there's not, then education is still good. But now, I feel like the invading "developing communities" (such a value-laden term in itself) with opportunities for education is not necessarily an absolute good (the subtleties of which I would go into if I didn't have to wash the dishes right now).
So it's complicated. Universal formal schooling may or may not improve the human race and the planet earth. And Jesus, well, I think he will. But I'm still unsure how to navigate the idea of evangelism. For an interesting segment on strategies & perspectives on "witnessing" listen to This American Life's episode called "Bait & Switch." That is what triggered my rabbit hole of contemplation...
From the drafts folder
6 years ago
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