Saturday, November 14, 2009

Other is Not an Answer

There is no song that makes me feel as grateful to Apollo, god of music & poetry, as "Dead Man's Will" by Iron and Wine & Calexico. Grateful and resigned to release the petty frustrations of the day.

But, that being said, it's time for a multiple choice quiz.

1. People keep flaking on Tasha because

a) The people I befriend have personalities conducive to flakiness
b) I am a middle to low priority for all my DC friends, and higher priority claims keep trumping their plans with me
c) Friends see me as forgiving and understanding, so they don't hesitate to cancel plans with me
d) The devil made them do it
e) The universe is trying to help me do my homework
f) None of the above
g) All of the above

2. Two fashion faux pas make a fashion faux right.

a) True
b) False

3. The most original show on TV is

a) Gossip Girl
b) The Office
c) Grey's Anatomy
d) Flight of the Conchords
e) Lost
f) The Tyra Banks Show
g) Other

4. The following poem makes me feel _____________________.

“Singing, as you have taught, is not the same
as yearning for what might be attainable.
Song is being. For the god it is simple.
But when do we exist? When is his aim

to cast the earth and stars on us? Be in
us? Youth, your loving doesn’t work, even
when your voice forces your mouth open. Learn

to forget passion song, for it will end.
True singing is a different breath. You burn
and breath is nothing. Gusts in a god. A wind.”



  1. 1. E &D
    2. B
    3. D or F
    4. Humble and inspired

    i love you =) read ur other blog...praying for you! will try and call sunday =)

  2. 1. a, c, d, e, f all seem possible to me.
    3. d
    4. happy to know another rilke lover.

    next time you're in town let me know. you can come over to my apartment and we can talk about books and life. fun!

  3. 1. E
    2. A (for you)
    3. G - Heroes, Season 1. OH, if we're talking past: Arrested Development.

    4. ...thoughtful?

  4. 1. B + C
    2. Definitely A
    3. E
    4. Humble and free from this oppressive world.

    Your San Clemente friend still loves you. I called you twice last week and never got a call back. Time for a quiz of my own:

    Tasha didn't call Nicole back because:

    a. She secretly doesn't like her and is only her friend out of pity, so she really doesn't want to talk to her more than she has to.

    b. She dropped her phone off a bridge and never got the messages.

    c. She was consumed with woe induced by other flaky friends

    d. She knows that a phone call to Nicole would last too long and doesn't have the energy for it.

    e. None of the above

    f. All of the above

  5. I don't have pity friends. I never drop my phone. I have indeed been very woeful. I love long exhausting chats with Nicole. I was unavailable both times you called and whenever i think to return them, you are at work. Starcrossed. But lovers all the same.
