Sunday, September 27, 2009

When Recovering From Abdominal Surgery...

1. Sneezing is more terrifying than coughing, but only a little so.
2. Tylenol PM is fertilizer for fantastical dreaming.
3. It is nearly impossible not to pick something up after dropping it. Psychologically. I have so much empathy for naughty old people who know better than to bend down to pick something up, but do it anyway.
4. Having a clean bedroom, a clean kitchen, a clean bathroom, and a clean living room are suddenly of infinite importance. Even if it means 10 more minutes of standing, and complicated pain, those dishes will be washed gahdamit!
5. Flossing becomes less of a chore. Cause you can do it (unlike most other tasks).
6. Your mother, the caretaker, is seen through rose-colored glasses and you promise yourself never to disappoint her or talk back again.
7. Raspberry Jello, Tapioca Pudding, Chicken Noodle Soup, Cinnamon Sugar Toast, Cornflakes, Carrot Juice, & Coconut Ice Cream are delightful.
8. Fluffy slippers are imperative.
9. Comedies should be avoided. Especially The Office. Laughter is the opposite of medicine.


  1. haha .. love you! glad ur recovering well . Yay mom! tell her hi! =)

  2. I can totally relate to all your ailments!! You have so eloquently stated the realities after abdominal surgery. I hope you feel better soon. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. I am a week and a half out from abdominal surgery due to a very large ovarian tumor (after surgery pathology reported my tumour as benign). I was very fortunate. Recovering from a vertical incision that begins about 2 inches above my navel and goes all the way down. Recovering is not easy but I keep reminding myself that I am blessed that it was a benign tumour.
