Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fictional Apocalyptic Poetry Series - Part 1

With the wisdom of a toddler who
imagines the world is and isn't
when his eyes open and shut,
I imagine - I've been ready for this,
and the timing is good... As if my proclivities pertain
to this matter. Matters of this sort.
A Sun Turned Black. A Sea Made Blood. A Sky Run Dry.

I'd considered these matters in depth
in ninth grade, when I was looking for distraction
from my changing body and my shy lust. Ran my fingers
across the spines of books that worked my nerves.
Whispered my eyes across titles so
charged I could almost feel electricity pumping my heart.
Whore of Babylon. A Holy Remnant. The Beast and the Lamb.

Synthesizing theologies, scanning news for false prophets,
searching myself for certainty; I spun my theories and I spun
my wheels with no where to go - never buying books,
but reading them in store. Five hundred dollars
wouldn't have paid for the volumes my appetite lavished
on me, cross-legged and curious on the carpet.
Postmillenialist. The Thousand Year Reign. Iron Scepter of
the Antichrist.

The Antichrist.

The Antichrist.

In the corner of the Family Bookstore
I trained my mind, refining my ability to recognize
this man (?) who would conduct a symphony
of slaughter while the world shattered, sure I would be sentient
to his origin before his first appearance onscreen.
It's not as clear as I hoped it would be, though. If this is really 
the first of the last days.
The Great Tribulation. The Last Battle. God's Wrath.

But I'm ready to figure this thing out. I have to believe
the year I spent in the stacks will count for something. I'm ready
for tomorrow to be worse than today. And the next
seven years to kill me and mine more likely than not. Because after -
AFTER the wounds of heaven mar the Earth to its core -
I will hear what "sounds like a great multitude,
like the roar of rushing waters and like loud
peals of thunder, shouting: Hallelujah!
For our Lord God Almighty reigns.
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory!
For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready."

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful prose deary. My church is going through Revelation so your series is well timed. I can get the study of end times from church and the philosophical application side from you!
