It's a little dated (like 11 years removed). But that was kind of the idea - write something for my future self to cling to when she'd lost her marbles. So, I haven't read it yet, but figured I'd go ahead and add it to my accumulating nostalgia. So here goes:
Notes to Future Self, July 25, 2000
Nehemiah 8:10 Proverbs 15:30
The joy of the Lord is A cheerful look brings joy to the heart.
your strength.
May you never lose the light in your eyes, or the joy that God has given your heart in knowing He loves you, sacrificed for you, and has plans for you in this life and beyond.
Never allow your wonder for life and the amazing world we live in to be contained, solved. Keep seeking Creator, letting your passion for creation and creativity be constantly renewed by the Holy Spirit. Pray hard for that. It's a favorite request of Creator, and he ALWAYS answers it.
Continue to live life to its fullest, and never let complacency or apathy weasel their way in. Find inspiration to live abundantly in Scripture. Whenever you don't feel like having "Quiet Time," DO IT IMMEDIATELY!
Pray for a heart that can smile inside & out when it rains, when you've been betrayed, when you've failed disastrously, when you are dirt poor, in physical pain, lost in the desert & don't know East from West. Pray that your joy will be able to endure that.
Never lose sight of the freedom you feel with everything laid down at Jesus' feet. There are no worries in living life only to love and obey Him and accept the blessings He gives you. Everything is surrendered in prayer to Him. Want to be used by your Creator, and rejoice that He inspires that desire in you generously. Seek the vision by which Jesus sees the world, and allow your identity to be molded in his image. Work hard to know and be known by Him.
Acknowledge your enemies within, and accept the recurring challenges to defeat them. See how joy can be stolen from your friends and family, from you, through the steady wearing down of your faith in God and humanity. How feelings of insufficiency and defeat are conjured in your hearts, awakening jealousy and contempt, an appetite for empty promises. Don't let down your guard or allow these battles to be lost. With all your strength, build others up in joy and in confidence to God's glory, that they might not be another victory for darkness.
There are too many restrictions on our bodies, souls, minds in this world. The freedom you have in answering only to your Lord remedies this dilemma. Your shortcomings, as you see them, lose importance in the unconditional love your Lord provides. Hopeless situations lose their gloom in light of the promise: "My strength is made perfect in your weakness." Beauty is again evident. Again you will get butterflies in your stomach as you breath in the warm spring air, realizing it is merely a gift from the Creator who loves your soul. Each mercy a move to capture your heart more fully, your gaze more intently.
Always feel the thrill when the warm sun casts on your face. Its brilliance is but a glimpse of Glory. Search for glimpses - all kinds - as you move closer to the Other World, where you will one day see more than shadows dancing in a mirror darkly. With those thrills and anticipations scaffolding your mood, you will be able to truly smile 100% and pass your joy to every person you embrace. That is Love.
Nurture love and worship for Creator. Obey His voice and make choices that honor His character. Place your trust in His power & goodness. Do not let go of His gaze, but live practicing His presence.
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