Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Words Should be Heated in the Winter

Diary of Anais Nin Volume 1 words of the week:

"I accept life as it is, the ugliness, the inadequacies, the ironies, for the sake of joy, for the sake of life. It is a comedy. It is slightly ridiculous and full of homelieness... Today I laughed. I let others care. I shift the burden."

"Has pain made too deep a scar so that I do not feel the gentle touch of happiness? The flesh too scarred, too coarse-grained, to feel the softness of the summer? Only another wound can make it tremble. I am not made for happiness. It is like sleep."

"A devouring passion for reality, because me imaginary world is so immense it can never be annihilated. Only it must not be allowed to devour me."

"But from that moment on, I felt my connection with God, an isolated, wordless, individual, full connection which gives me an immense joy and a sense of the greatness of life, eternity. I was born. I was born woman. To love God and to love man, supremely and separately. Not to confuse them. I was born to great quietude, a superhuman joy, above and beyond all human sorrows, transcending pain and tragedy. This joy which I found in the love of man, in creation, was completed by communion with God."

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