No no no no no. No rough draft belongs in the trash. Let me tell you: I have had two computers crash on me, but miraculously, I was able to save all the files from both each time. Have not yet had a computer of my own to put them all on til now. Yesterday I bought a laptop (cheap, slow, should've bought one with a pentium processor, whatever) and I put all of all the files on an external hard drive and made a first stab at organizing them. (It is a project that will take months.) These are files that date back as far as 2000. Ten years. Some of them are high school essays. Crazy. And I am finding little treasure chests, little like... diamonds in dirt... all over the place. ALL OVER THE PLACE. Poignant observations embedded in tritetritetrite story ideas. Etc. So NO ROUGH DRAFT BELONGS IN THE TRASH, TASHA. If only I could hire an intern to wade through it all for me.
No no no no no. No rough draft belongs in the trash. Let me tell you: I have had two computers crash on me, but miraculously, I was able to save all the files from both each time. Have not yet had a computer of my own to put them all on til now. Yesterday I bought a laptop (cheap, slow, should've bought one with a pentium processor, whatever) and I put all of all the files on an external hard drive and made a first stab at organizing them. (It is a project that will take months.) These are files that date back as far as 2000. Ten years. Some of them are high school essays. Crazy. And I am finding little treasure chests, little like... diamonds in dirt... all over the place. ALL OVER THE PLACE. Poignant observations embedded in tritetritetrite story ideas. Etc. So NO ROUGH DRAFT BELONGS IN THE TRASH, TASHA. If only I could hire an intern to wade through it all for me.