Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ramblings of a Mennonite Anglican

Professor Matt Williams, with his Jesus Life & Ministry professoring, should have convinced me then that the Mennonite tradition of faith was prettty far out in the Awesome field. Then, Shane Hipps, the new teaching partner of Rob Bell came from his Mennonite Church with nothing but amazing reflections to share on the Anabaptist "way." Now, as I begin to see trends in Mennonite colleges & universities, I am blown away by the priorities of these people. There is such a commitment to peace, social justice, humility, and incarnational ministry. I am like a rat, following the Mennonite Pied Piper's song as I learn more and more and more. Wait, that has kind of a doom&gloom connotation. I don't think the Mennonite "way" leads to death and destruction. It's just enchanting is all.

And the Anglican tradition. Oh the Anglicans. I'm realizing my theology and leanings are so much more Anglican  & Mennonite than Evangelical Protestant. How did this when did this happen? (It's always been, though, right? Just unrecognized?) How had I never heard of these streams sooner? God must be responding to my desperate need to be surprised and not-bored by theology, church, faith. He done good! I am FASCinated.

Lately I've been fantacizing about working in international education at a Mennonite college. Or getting a PhD from Duke or Princeton in something related to global citizenship education at Christian colleges & universities (in the U.S.?). I like Duke & Princeton lately. And I also am deeply grateful for access to Emergent Village podcasts! My mental muscles flexed all day on my commute, listening to panel discussions. Such a contrast to yesterday, when the music flowed non-stop & my left brain was choreographing to its hearts content. I NEED that tik-tok back&forth between intellectual stimulation and creative freedom. The more I slalom between the two, the wholer I am. Such a challenge to avoid getting stuck on one side or the other. The balance, the balance.

There is so much grace in the fact that today is merely Day 1 of my hibernation w/ Research Paper #2. I have more days to go. What Day 5 will look like, I fear to ask. I have such high hopes for this paper. But the words don't seem to be coming, not to mention the conceptual vision. I need the patience of an architect, and the fluency of a dancer. In light of God's grand gestures of provision lately, I can't doubt he is kind enough to lead me in this. Particularly as I submit the direction of the paper to him. I think he has something generous to say about this topic, and I would rather put that forth than my stuttering perceptions. (Please speak.)


  1. two things :
    1. Princeton is Presbyterian and Calvinist- not mennonite or Anglican- Go to EASTON (spell?)- Tom Campollo's Uni
    2. You are "emergent"? since when?

    I like the rest. but I go to an Anglican church here in Moshi and its too close to the Catholic church and I don't like communion being so strict... I miss RH.

  2. Oh I've been shades of emergent since 2002. That's old hat. Haha. Thanks for bringing Princeton down to earth. Eastern could be interesting... And I've had an affinity for Catholicism since I read the Cloister Walk in 2003, and Anglican is less far away from my roots. Emergent mvmt originated in the Anglican church in England, btw. :)

    Glad you can come back to the bay & find a new RH for yourself, tho! =D LOVE YOU!

  3. See, I associate Mennonites with head coverings, no makeup allowed, prairie dresses, and getting rid of your wedding rings because they are "worldly." But that's just one couple. I should do more research.

  4. haha, i know right! :) there's so much more to it than almost-amishness...
