Lots of conversations about who to write/create for. Audience. Audience? (audience) Self - the muse - gGod. Should there be a gaze or direction... or should the work just be served - write itself essentially? These are my thoughts, coming from a bi-weekly book club discussing Madeleine L'Engle's memoir on the writing life, Walking on Water. And these are my thoughts while both winding down from writing an autobiographical poem that I actually liked and gearing up to revise a slasher screenplay with Eames.
So, this, from the world of a former classmate (now rockstar poet and performance artist) Kate Durbin and her muse Lady Gaga, "To me, to be a woman, an artist, and to be free, the bitch has to trust herself, has to trust her art."
Today, the second day of an important month for me, is the first in which I've cut off all forms of contact (email, texting, facebook) other than telephonic. So I am anxious to see what transpires, nervous to see who I alienate and frustrate (remember, these are among my greatest fears... what wonderful things might happen if they are realized and slayed?!), and I am hopeful that somethings creative might be distilled from the experience. All bashful sideward glances aside here, I am trying to trust my art these days. Life is short. Might as well make it happen.
From the drafts folder
6 years ago